| 1. | Application of cgf technology in the simulator system for integrated training of maritime maneuvering formations 在海上机动编队一体化训练模拟系统中应用研究 |
| 2. | One provides the information share for several supervision systems , another realizes function of several supervision systems in one system - a real integrated train management system 根据国内地铁列车综合管理系统的现状以及国外公司在这方面的先例,提出了两种建议模型。 |
| 3. | The main approach used in the training was combining metacognitive awareness with metacognitive strategies , and combining separated training with integrated training 采用的主要方法是把元认知意识与元认知策略相结合,和策略单独训练和策略融入语言内容训练相结合的方式。 |
| 4. | Contract db - 1530 is awarded at a contract sum of us $ 3 . 95 million to booz allen & hamilton ( australia ) ltd for the design , manufacture , verification , delivery , installation , testing , commissioning and technical support for a complete computer - based integrated training system 价值三百九十五美元,中标公司为博思管理顾问公司,是为西铁设计、制造、验证、运送及安装整套电脑综合训练系统,并进行交工测试及提供技术支援。 |
| 5. | The approach of combining metacognitive awareness with metacognitive strategies and combining separated training with integrated training is effective ' because some metacognitive strategies are hard to be completely integrated into the language learning materials of classroom teaching 也证明了把元认知意识和元认知策略结合起来,把策略和语言学习内容分离训练和策略与语言学习内容融合的培训方式是有效的,因为有些元认知策略无法完全与课堂学习内容融合提 |
| 6. | It proves that the methods of dividing training period into three parts , i . e . integrated training period , specific training period and fallow period , and adopting respective methods of training while closely focusing on specific training idea is noticeable , feasible and valuable for popularizing 结果表明:把全年训练周期分为综合训练期、专项训练期和休整期,并分别采用各自的训练方法,紧紧围绕专项训练为主的思想,效果明显,可行性强,具有实际推广价值。 |
| 7. | Focusing on some disadvantages which exist in the training of measuring and eliminating deviation of magnetic compass in the labs of colleges , this article put forward how to develop a training system of measuring and eliminating deviation of magnetic compass , to build an integrated training lab so as to improve the ability of navigating officers in measuring and eliminating deviation of magnetic compass 针对当前院校在实验室进行磁罗经自差测定与消除训练中存在的一些弊端,提出开发研制磁罗经自差测定与消除模拟训练系统,建设磁罗经自差测消训练综合实验室,以提高航海人员对磁罗经自差的消测能力。 |
| 8. | Though decision makers are aware of the importance of training and integrate training expenses into operation costs , they would cut training expenses when the company undergoes poor economic performances or when the company is pushing cost - saving measures ; training is regarded as an effort that trains employees for other companies in that some employees will quit afterwards , which is not to the company ’ s profit 而航空公司之间的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,吉林分公司只有拥有一流的人力资源,才能在激烈的市场竞争中得到发展。因此,建立有效的培训管理体系,通过培训提高员工素质从而提高企业竞争力,是南航吉林分公司当前重要的管理课题。 |